Sunday, September 19, 2010

Here goes...

Here goes. I'm going to tell you some stories.  Stories that are true, though seem impossible based on the short time frame that they happened.  My goal is to turn these stories into a humor book.
I have co-written a book called "For Young Men Only" that won an award for best Christian Youth Book in 09.  It was fun because I was invited with my writing partner, Jeff Feldhahn, to go to Chicago, be interviewed by many radio stations, some TV stations too.  Very exciting.
Anyway, you probably want to know why this blog has souch a wierd title. You'll have to wait.  Trust me, that this isn't a porn, and you could let your kids read it, if you have any. It has shades of "Stand by Me" since I had a similar childhood to the characters in that story/movie.
There's lots of humor, and all of it true. I hope you like what your reading and pass it along.
Here's my contact info:  Email me first. We can Skype, Text, IM, Twitter, later.

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